switch at the bottom of this page. Hello There, and Welcome to Womens World Of Expressions. My name is Lori although everyone here on the net knows me as Foxy~. I am 32, happily married and a Mother of 5 children, 3 are my own and 2 my step children. I am a stay at home Mom and aside of my normal household duties, being a wife and Mom I enjoy working and playing on the computer. I have created this Group for women only and you must be invited in order to join. Womens World Of Expressions is a place that these women can come to feeling a sense of peace within themselves, to relax and get away from the stress of day to day life or even just to give them some time for themselves. It is in my hope that this Group will bring together many trusting and everlasting friendships. May it be a place where women can come to and feel special, cared for and to be able to express thier thoughts and feelings with others. If you have been invited to join our group of wonderful women then please move on below and read my requirements for joining Womens World Of Expressions. In Love And Friendship, Foxy~ WWOE Member Requirements1. You MUST be at least 21 years old to join this group. The reason for this age limit is because this is a group for WOMEN and there may be many topics discussed that are better meant for and understood by mature audiences. 2. You must have a website to join! The reason I say this is because a website tells things about a person and without being able to browse someones website it would be too hard in making a correct decision for them to join my group. 3. Absolutley NO sites with profanity, nudity, racism, witchcraft etc... I want this group to be friendly and of good nature :-) 4. Must have a big heart when it comes to others and to be honest and trustworthy. Hope that's not too much to ask :-) 5. In order to stay a member of this Group I ask that you be an active member. When I say active I mean that if you plan to join this group just to add the graphics to your site and NOT actually take the time to get to know others as you can then please DO NOT join. I will be checking for inactive members once a month and unless there is a good reason for being inactive I wll ask those members to give up thier membership, sorry. The reason I made this rule is that there are so many webrings,and groups that have a lot of members who place the HTML Fragments and Graphics on thier page more or less as a decoration and you never hear from them. I want this Group to be important to all it's members. 6. I plan to be choosy on pages that are submitted and look through these pages well to be sure the page and person signing meets all my requirements. Now don't let this scare you as I really am a friendly person and easy to get along with but I have worked very hard on creating this Goup and plan to be careful as to who I let in. So that's it for now. Rules are subject to be added to or change according to the growth of this group. If you have been invited to join and agree with these terms and still think you would like being a part of our group then please contact Margo to fill out the application for membership form. Please Be Kind And Sign My Guestbook. I'd Love To Hear Your Thoughts. Page Created By Foxy~ And Maintained By: Margo October 7th, 1999 ©picture copyright Chantal Poulin Music selected is called: One Mom |